Hagen Catit Hooded Cat Litter Pan : Big Litter Box with Plastic Door Swings

Cats dig hole to do their business and then cover it back up again, it would cause messy litter all over your floor. Hagen Catit Hooded Cat Litter Pan eliminates that mess since your cat can do its business inside. The nice hood or cover provides privacy as well as keeping it looks neater compared to open litter box. The plastic door swings smoothly, an easy access for your cat to go in and out. Since the litter is contained inside, there’s a built-in bag anchor that you can use, just use ordinary plastic bag to eliminate the need for hand scooping. Simply open its large hood to clean, in fact the door itself is pretty wide enough (10.4” high x 9.6” wide) for easy cleaning without having to take the entire top off.

Hagen Catit Hooded Cat Litter Pan

This litter box is also ideal for multiple cats, 22.4” (L) x 15.3” (W) x 18.3” (H), your cat can easily turn around in it. The replaceable carbon-impregnated filter traps any odors inside the box. For kittens, they might have trouble in getting into inside Hagen Catit Hooded Cat Litter Pan as the size is pretty huge however this unit is certainly great when they grow up.

Hagen Catit Hooded Cat Litter Pan

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