Browsing articles from "May, 2017"

Cone : Modern Scratching Post and Cat Bed in One by WISKI

Cat lovers, meet Cone, a modern scratching post and nap space for your lovely furry baby. It’s a beautifully design scratching post that would complement your existing interior décor, you have worked so hard to keep your home beautiful, so why you have to end up with ugly pet product? Cone is designed with a clean and minimalist aesthetic, adding modern touch to your existing home décor.

Aside from keeping your cat from scratching your precious furniture, this unit also offers a nice space for them to relax and sleep. The nice cover made of 100% natural sisal offers good privacy to your cat. This scratching post is over 30-inch tall, it means that you cat can fully stretch out when they scratch, it is super stable due to its 15lbs weight. The company claims that you cat can use Cone to scratch, play with, climb and jump, it won’t knock it over, even big kitties.

Cone : Modern Scratching Post and Cat Bed in One by WISKI

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