How to Stop Dog From Digging Holes ?
Dogs are always considered to be the most trustworthy and adorable pets, one can ever have. If you too have a pet dog at your home, you definitely know the joy that a dog can bring to your life. However, like all other pets, certain habits of dogs can bring a little strain in your relationship with your pet. One of those habits is their very common nature to dig up dirt! Yes, if you are a dog owner, then you too may be facing the same problem and wondering about, How to stop dog from digging holes?. Many of you might have also tried several methods to get rid of these habits of your pet, however, eventually found each attempt to be an unsuccessful one. Well, in order to stop such habits of your pet, you need to first understand certain points.
Photo Credit : Dimitri Vervitsiotis – How to stop dog from digging holes
Experts after studying the fact carefully have found that there can be different reasons behind such habits of a dog. Each situation should be handled in a different manner. For instance, one of the most common causes of this behavior is that the dog has nothing else to do! Yes, digging habit can be a consequence of its boredom. In such a situation, you must try to engage your dog with some other exciting activities. You can play various interactive games with it or may give it a toy bone to play with.
Photo Credit : Ingram Publishing – How to stop dog from digging holes
However, if you find that in spite of such attempts, the dog is still trying to continue its digging process, then the reason may be that it actually enjoys doing that! In such circumstances, you must find out other alternative solutions. One of the most successful techniques related to How to stop dog from digging holes is to simply break the affinity of your dog towards digging. This can be done by several ways. For instance, you can bury something terribly stinking into the areas, where your dog likes to dig. As a result, when it tries to dig the ground and smells the thing, it will never again get attracted to it. You may also use some balloons. Blow them up and place them carefully into the holes. When your dog will try to dig, the noise of the popping can be a great aid in keeping them away from further digging.
Photo Credit : John Giustina – How to stop dog from digging holes
Another important point, which you must keep in your mind, is that dogs have the tendency to copy their masters. Thus, if you are digging up the soil with intent to plant seeds, never allow your dog to watch it. It will try to copy you, which may end up destroying your garden! You can put them in a confined place, when you are engaged in such kind of gardening activities.
Always remember, dogs dig because they like to do that. They do not even realize that what they are doing. They do not know if it is a right thing to do or not. Since you are a loving and caring dog owner, it is entirely your responsibility to handle such situations. Try to understand the reason for its behavior. Not only, it will help you out to find the perfect answer to this question: How to stop dog from digging holes, but also it will ensure a healthy relationship between you and your pet.
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