Browsing articles tagged with " kinds of birds"

First Nature Lantern Style Bird Bath and Waterer (3039) For Easy Cleaning and Refilling

Made in USA, First Nature Lantern Style Bird Bath and Waterer (3039) is an easy to clean birdbath and waterer that holds 100-ounces of water. It supplies all those wild birds with fresh water through its four pools. You can choose to hang this birdbath with included s-hook or mount it on 4×4 post (chain is not included), because every house backyard is different, therefore having this flexible option is a nice feature. Every week, you need to disassemble this birdbath for cleaning and refilling, simply remove the water reservoir, use soapy water and rinse, then fill it again with fresh cool water. Seriously, if your goal is to attract wild birds, then you should always provide clean, fresh water, otherwise your avian friends will not be interested to hangout at your house.

First Nature Lantern Style Bird Bath and Waterer (3039)

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