Browsing articles tagged with " gallon capacity"

Litter Champ Premium Pet Waste and Odor Disposal System From Lucky Champ Is Aesthetically Pleasing As Well As Working Very Well

Litter Champ Premium Pet Waste and Odor Disposal System from Lucky Champ features triple sealing system that ensures your home is odor-free. This is a cat waste disposal system that you really should checkout, the safety-door mounted cutter design prevents any odor to escape and pollute the air in your house. The elegant design looks awesome in any modern home décor, it’s not something you want to hide from your guests.

When cleaning your cat litter, simply use the hands-free foot pedal to open this disposal system, yep, disposing your cat waste doesn’t have to be messy. This container offers 4-gallon capacity with pre-installed biodegradable bag liner that provides around 2-3 month supply per cat. The eco-friendly bag will completely degrade in landfill, it’s safe for our environment.

Litter Champ Premium Pet Waste and Odor Disposal System from Lucky Champ

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