Innotek SSSCAT Cat Training Aid : Train Your Cats To Stay Away from Restricted Areas
If you are having trouble to keep your cat away from restricted areas in your house, perhaps Innotek SSSCAT Cat Training Aid can help. This tool has built-in motion detector which is activated every time your cat comes near and automatically releases harmless non-toxic spray to keep cat away. Based on a customer experience, even a very bad cat after a few encounters understands that he’s not supposed to be near the area. You might want to keep your cat stay away from countertop or dining room table or a fishbowl. This training aid requires 4 AAA batteries which unfortunately not included within each purchase.
This unit works up to a year, but it can also depend on how many times it sprays. For example if you often forget about this unit and spray yourself most of the time, this product might run out ahead its time. There are 2 choices left for you, you can either purchase its refill or just depend on the alarm sound. Innotek SSSCAT Cat Training Aid is 100% safe for cats, humans as well as the environment. It works by surprising the cat with its painless and harmless spray, training your cat to avoid that area in the future. If your cats have favorite spots to pee outside their litter box, why not test this product to train them back to their litter box.
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